OEM Automotive Rims

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Automotive & Wheels

Our blast stripping with recycled plastic media safely removes paint from steel, aluminum, fiberglass, acrylics without causing excess pitting, etching, or metal-expansion damage.

Automotive and rim coatings can typically be removed without harming protective underlying coatings such as Alclad, anodize, phosphate or, in many cases, even the primer.

Innovative Ways to Integrate with Your Workflow

For original equipment manufacturers, dry stripping reduces waste caused by defective or faulty finished coatings. Instead of scrapping or recasting defective automotive parts, they can be quickly blasted clean and returned to your assembly line.

And the flexibility designed into our system allows BLASTICS to instantly change wheel programs — enabling an infinite number of angles and speeds to strip the most intricate wheel design. Which means you're not only operating faster, there’s also never been a better quality finished result.